Oconomowoc, WI
Cecilia is 12 years old and lives in Oconomowoc, WI. She has Spina Bifida. Cecilia was the 2014 Holiday Kids Campaign beneficiary for the Wisconsin region. The ATI Foundation provided assistance with expenses for a bathroom and bedroom remodel project, and the cost of electronic stimulation equipment.
Cecilia was born with Spina Bifida, the most common permanently disabling birth defect in the United States. Spina Bifida, which means “split spine”, happens in the womb when the spinal column does not close completely.
Since birth, Cecilia has had multiple surgeries. Due to complications after her most recent procedure last May, her doctor has recommended she no longer walk using her bilateral forearm crutches. She is now limited to a wheelchair for her mobility, and requires adult supervision to safely transfer from one position to the next.
Cecilia has responded well to the use of an electronic stimulation system and the results have proven that this device is a medical necessity. She can use it with her home exercise program to improve lower extremity range of motion, strength, weight-bearing tolerance and pain management. The cost of the device is $750.
Cecilia, her mother Emily and younger brother, Otto live in an older home that needs a first-floor handicap accessible bathroom and bedroom. The ATI Foundation will also provide assistance with the expenses for this project, which began in the Spring of 2015 and cost upwards of $7,500.