Elkton, MD
Savannah is 18 years old and lives in Elkton, MD. She has Cystic Fibrosis and Scoliosis. Savannah was the 2014 Holiday Kids Campaign beneficiary for the Maryland region. The ATI Foundation provided a grant to fund a $1,800 mattress and a portion of a new heating/air system for their home.
Savannah was born to parents who thought having children was not a possibility for them. Tracy, Savannah’s mom, has lupus, and sadly watched her baby’s health decline after a premature birth. Savannah couldn’t keep food down or gain weight. Her hair would not grow, and she was labeled a “lupus baby.”
It took almost 13 years to diagnose that Savannah has cystic fibrosis. This genetic disorder affects her lungs and other internal organs. Since her diagnosis, she has continued to suffer with other ailments, including scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine).
In addition to Savannah’s illness and her mom’s condition, the family has struggled with other major setbacks. Three days after learning about his daughter's cystic fibrosis, Savannah’s father, Vince, was laid off after 28 years at his job as a senior engineer. Six months later, he collapsed with kidney failure and is currently on home dialysis.
Tracy has developed a number of other illnesses, causing both her and her husband to live on disability. After exhausting their savings and trying to establish disability for Savannah, they are financially and mentally drained.
Savannah is in need of a mattress that will allow her to breathe and sleep more comfortably at night. In addition, the family home is in need of a new heating/air system due to mold problems from a damaged foundation. The air they are currently breathing is toxic and hazardous to their fragile health.