In July 2013, athletic trainers across the nation will relish the final days of summer before fall sports pre-season starts up in full force. But, this summer, that won’t be the case for Julie Tucker, a certified athletic trainer for ATI Physical Therapy at Annapolis High School.
Instead, Tucker will make her way from Maryland to the Maccabiah Games in Tel Aviv, Israel, to serve as an athletic trainer. The 19th International Maccabiah Games bring together approximately 9,000 Jewish athletes from across the world to compete in this quadrennial competition. In 2009, the Maccabiah Games hosted athletes from 51 countries competing in 31 different sports.
“I’m really excited about exploring a whole new culture and just meeting other ATCs while I’m there,” Tucker said. “It’ll be a great opportunity to learn from them and from the athletes themselves.”
Tucker is one of sixteen athletic trainers chosen from the United States to work at the Maccabiah Games. In addition to the other athletic trainers, Team USA will bring three or four doctors to travel with them. The medical team leaves on July 10 to do some sight-seeing before the Games begin on July 17.
At the Games, Tucker and the other athletic trainers will be on-site during competitions to care for the athletes. This year, the Games offer 46 different sports and allow athletes to compete in one of three different group categories: Junior Games for athletes 14 to 18 years old, Open Games for athletes 18 to 35 years old, and Master Games for athletes 35 years and older.
“We’ll be working with a lot of different athletes and a lot of different sports while we’re there,” Tucker said. “I’m looking forward to being exposed to so many different things and being able to help the athletes perform their best.”
Lisa Boyer, Director of East Coast Sports Medicine at ATI, originally told her athletic trainers about the opportunity and was thrilled when Tucker was chosen to attend the 2013 Games.
“This is a great opportunity for Julie to showcase all of her knowledge and skills on an international level,” Boyer said. “We are very proud of her and look forward to having her represent ATI in Israel this summer.”
Tucker will work the Maccabiah Games from July 17 through July 30 and quickly return home in time for Sports Medicine Kickoff Week and fall pre-season at Annapolis High School.
“It’ll be busy summer, but I can’t wait to bring back new skills and knowledge to apply to my athletes,” Tucker said.