March 15-21 Is National Poison Prevention Week

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Published:  July 19, 2019

We often think of our home as a safe place. However, common items such as cleaning chemicals, medications and plants are just some of the household items that cause poisonings each year. In fact, according to, more than 2 million poisonings are reported each year across the country, and more than 90% of those poisonings occur in the home. Additionally, it is reported that 87% of poisonings are accidental.

Adults and children alike are potential victims of poison exposure and awareness of these dangers in and around your home is the best form of defense from needing to seek treatment for accidental poisoning.

What does it mean to have a poison exposure?  
There are several factors that can cause a person to feel ill or sick when exposed to poison. Exposure can take place by touching, swallowing or breathing in a substance. In small amounts, some substances are safe, but can cause harm when too much is used.

Cleaning Chemicals

  • Store away from a child’s reach or keep items locked up.
  • All chemicals should be kept/stored in the original container.
  • Store chemicals seperate from food so they are mistaken for food and cause harm.
  • Consider those with vision impairments or young children that cannot clearly identify chemicals or chemical container.  Keep these items away from food so they do not mistake a container for food.

Prescription Medication 

  • Use caution with prescription medications, over the counter medications and vitamins. Taking too much of any of these products, or taking it when it is not needed, can cause harm and be considered poisoning.
  • Keep all medications away from a child’s reach or locked up.


  • Many plants can cause poisoning. Know what you have in the home and around the home.
  • Teach young children not to eat berries or other parts of plants they do not know.
  • Many plants are poison to pets; keep them in mind as well.

What Can You Do?

  • In honor of National Poison Prevention Week, check your home for poisoning risks.
  • Take inventory of medications, household products, cleaning products, make-up, pesticides and fertilizers.   Make sure they properly stored and in original containers with labels.
  • Properly dispose of expired products.
  • If you have children in the home, place poisonous items out of reach or behind doors with safety latches.
  • Do not store chemicals with food.

If you think someone has been poisoned call 1-800-222-1222 to talk with your local poison center 24/7.

For more information about what can be poisonous go to

ATI Active Care is a walk-in clinic, located in Waukesha, WI, that provides immediate care for non-emergency acute conditions, physicals, health screenings, preventive health and wellness programs.  For more information contact BobbieJo Paul at or call (262) 574-2711.